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Kuumakse alates 75.12 €
Minimaalne sissemakse alates 0.00 €

2 449,00 2 849,00 


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14 päevane tagastusõigus
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Lohe mõõt

7m, 8m, 9m, 10m, 12m


Bigair, Freeride




Aluula, Teijin X4, Teijin XT Light




New generation Big Air weapon

Created for the needs of adrenalin junkies that demand the highest performance, the XS Pro
is the ultimate Big Air weapon. Using cutting-edge materials, the XS Pro is even faster and
more precise for height and hangtime that aims for the moon.

Cutting edge materials without compromise

Our ‘Pro’ products feature the latest generation lightweight Aluula material with improved
longevity, durability and performance. The combination of state-of-the-art Aluula in the
leading edge, together with Teijin’s XT Light fabric enables a smaller leading edge diameter
and therefore the kite is much lighter in weight. The XT Light material is optimum for the
struts as it also allows them to twist better and turn much faster for the maximum loop

Power with dynamic lift

The XS Pro is as grunty as it gets, delivering raw power to the most extreme radical moves.
The sophisticated delta hybrid design has a high aspect ratio that balances power with ease
of handling. Breaking boundaries for height and hangtime the XS Pro has a direct feel for
perfect timing, ready to take off and smash your limits.

Highly efficient

Efficiency and hangtime are enhanced by a flattened arc, making the XS pro intuitive to
steer and extremely responsive. The XS Pro has the perfect sweep in the wingtips as well as
the optimum canopy curve to achieve fantastic low-end performance. This assists
progressing riders and aids upwind travel to get you back in the zone fast, even in less
favourable conditions.

Bombproof construction

The light five-strut frame is constructed with Aluula and XT Light, delivering stability in all
situations and withstands the extreme forces in radical Big Air. The XS Pro’s explosive lift is
met with bombproof construction as the load distribution offers enhanced stability and
endurance, even over time.

Who is it for?

The XS Pro features the lightest state-of-the-art construction available and is a must-have
kite for serious radical riders. The stiff and ultra-direct characteristics are favoured by those
who want to be catapulted with forward momentum in powerful megaloops. Superior in its
flight characteristics and more durable, the XS Pro offers top-level longevity and
performance for serious Big Air addicts.

Tulemus on ligikaudne ning lõplik kuumakse sõltub kliendi krediidivõimekusest ja võib erineda allolevast laenukalkulaatorist.

ESTO järelmaksu plussid

ESTO järelmaks – ei soovi maksta kogu summat korraga? Maksa osamaksete kaupa!
Kasuta toodete või teenuste eest maksmisel just ESTO järelmaksu – kõige soodsam, mugavam ja kiirem järelmaksulink Eestis!
Lisa tooted ostukorvi, kinnita oma tellimus ning vali makseviisidest ESTO järelmaksulink. Maksmisel valige sobiv periood, igakuise osamakse suurus ning digiallkirjastage mugavalt ID-kaardi või Mobiili-ID abil.

ESTO järelmaksu tingimused

ESTO järelmaksu tavatingimused on järgmised:

• Intess alates 0%
• Lepingutasu alates 0 eurost
• Periood kuni 4 aastat
ESTO järelmaksu saavad taotleda kõik 18-70-aastased Eesti Vabariigi kodanikud. ESTO järelmaksu on võimalik vormistada kiirelt ja mugavalt ka juriidilisele isikule.

ESTO järelmaksu pakkujaks on ESTO AS (reg. kood 14180709).

Vaata lähemalt

Iga finantsotsusega kaasnevad riskid ja kohustused, mistõttu palume laenutoodete tarbimise vajadus hoolikalt läbi mõelda. Näiteks 1500-eurose laenusumma puhul 12 kuuks fikseeritud intressiga 14.90% aastas ja lepingutasuga 14.90 eurot on krediidi kulukuse määr 34.74%, kuumakse suurus 146.37 eurot ning tarbija poolt tagasimakstav kogusumma 1756.68 eurot. Järelmaks on finantskohustus ning enne otsuse tegemist tutvuge põhjalikult lepingutingimustega ja vajadusel pidage nõu ESTO AS töötajaga või muu asjatundjaga.

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